Many of us experience anxiety and/or social anxiety, which can be caused by a number of things. Every person experiences a different form an anxiety and there are certain things that can trigger anxiety for each individual. Actors like Nicholas Cage, Naomi Judd and Emma Roberts are just three out of the many actors who have suffered from anxiety and found peace through the art of acting.
The art of acting allows you to put yourself in someone else's shoes and empathize. The key to becoming a good actor is to be okay with vulnerability; understand that weakness is power. The bonds you create with other actors while performing is unique and very special, because you familiarize with all aspects of their personality, their "good" and "bad" sides, which is very helpful for individuals who suffer from social anxiety. Individuals get to carry out the learning process into their daily life and adjust the techniques learnt to real-life problems.
Acting can build confidence and help individuals express their struggles through performances. It promotes overcoming approval, disapproval and "wrong thinking". If social anxiety is your issue, acting will help you embrace human independence while working in a team.
"We're all anxious and its a good thing that we are. At it's optimum level, anxiety can help you formulate possibilities and imagine yourself in the future." - Neuropsychiatrist Richard Restak.
If you are curious and would like to dive in to the world of acting, visit or contact for news on our upcoming classes.
*NOTE: Due to the current capacity restrictions, we will be conducting classes in small groups. If you are interested in a course, please make sure to reserve your spot in the class as soon as possible as they are limited.